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Value Averaging: An Alternative to DCA or Lump Sum

This post explores what value averaging is, how it works, and how to implement the strategy.

Example table of a value averaging path for an investor allocating $250,000
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When TIPS Outperform and How I Invest in Them

An analysis of when inflation-protected bonds outperform (and underperform) regular bonds.

TIPS have historically outperformed Treasuries of the same duration when starting breakeven inflation rates were below 2%
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Debunking TIPS Tax Inefficiency + A Tax Deferred Alternative

The true tax impact of phantom income plus info on a lesser known alternative to TIPS.

Featured post image showing the front face of the U.S. Treasury Department building
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The Largest Arbitrage Ever Documented – TIPS in 2008

A story behind the dislocation of TIPS and Treasuries.

Featured post image of Zachary Quinto looking with a shocked expression at a computer from the movie Margin Call
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How to Hedge Inflation and Avoid the Biggest Bond Risk

Bonds are less volatile than stocks – but in the long-term they’re just as risky. This post examines the best ways to hedge inflation risk.

Zimbabwe currency note for 100 trillion dollars